All photos copyright © 2015 Simin Erbel
Tryall Club, Montego Bay - Lifestyles Retouching
All photos copyright © 2015 Thomas Hart Shelby
Chicago Athletic Club - Architecture Retouching
All photos copyright © 2015 Thomas Hart Shelby
La Motocyclette 3
On a well-deserved warm day In May 2014, I met Lynda Lucas in-person. Having corresponded with her via email regarding my photographic submissions to the second issue of her female motorcyclist art zine, La Motocyclette, developed with a creative parter under the name C C O O L L, it was a pleasure to finally put a face to the email address. I learned she had just moved to New York from San Francisco and was now taking on La Moto by herself.
After becoming aware of La Moto when my friend and fellow rider, Kristi, had been featured in the first issue I knew I wanted to be any big or small part in subsequent issues. The design was fresh, immaculate, and a welcomed respite from the bikini-clad models and pink and purple butterfly graphics typically associated with women having anything to do with motorcycles. This publication was honest, gritty, beautiful, and finally relatable.
Here are a few of my images that La Moto has used digitally and in print:
Hong Kong and VSCO
These are a few iPhone shots I gathered around Hong Kong.
I'm here retouching for Goat Rodeo Productions and it's delightful.
I used the VSCO app for these images which is also delightful.
Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong
Austin Ave, Kowloon
Hong Kong Museum of Art
For his night at the mic
Darkness shines in the images I made this week with David Driver (staring David Driver).
This is my favorite.
He performs November 20th at The Slipper Room in NYC.
Recent retouching projects with Feather Creative
It's a lot of fun retouching editorial stories under the direction of Feather Creative.
Oscura Melancolia by Blossom Berkofsky for Harper's Bazaar Latin America
Arty Ballerina by David Roemer for French Grazia
KK by David Roemer for Harper's Bazaar Russia
This is a fresh redesign.
That is a big banana.
The North Sea from Oostende, Belgium. 2011.